Let's fund the Fediverse!

The fediverse is made of people by people, and it cannot thrive against venture capital without our support!

Join us and let's put some money down to support the ecosystem we know and love. The future is federated!

Support Pixelfed
and more
Coming Soon

How your money will be spent!

Safety, Private and Moderation

This critical piece of the ecosystem is massively under supported. Let's keep the fediverse safe.

High Quality Development

Features take time, money and brain power, let's hire more full time developers to deliver exciting features.

Modern Frameworks and Standards

Developers are slowly replacing older technologies, and upgrading them distracts from other works.

Fediverse Enhancement Proposals

Improve interoperability and features offered by diverse services, applications and communities.

Exciting New Features / UX

Hire dedicated developers to focus on new features to be enjoyed by everybody. Improve the UX for all.

Shared Services and Admin Support

Lowering the total cost of ownership, including financial and psychosocial.